Spiritual Growth Or Just Another Assignment?
There are a variety of opinions on chapel credit. Each semesters’ end is a crammed and stressful time. Vanguard students’ time is occupied with studying for finals and finishing with desired grades. During this busy time, many of these students forget chapel credit is also due along with their other assignments.
Lack Of In-Person Connection.
Chapel is supposed to strengthen students in their relationship with God and grow Vanguard community. Instead of achieving this purpose, it slips into another assignment on the to do list. Due to Covid, there are no in person chapel opportunities. That in person experience is lacking despite the staff’s efforts to convey it through their chapel videos.
This is a main reason why achieving the required amount of chapel credits has been difficult for students during this virtual school year. Also, when chapel was in person, it was easier for students to remember to attend compared to remembering to watch videos.
Is 15 Chapel Credits Too Much To Ask?
Since this season of life called for massive adjustment, Vanguard changed the required amount. The required chapel credit was cut in half dropping from 30 to 15. Despite this cut, many students are still struggling to complete all the required credits.
After talking to a few students about their feelings on required chapel credits, many confessed they struggled to find the desire to complete them. Unfortunately for many, it shifts into extra schoolwork rather than spiritual growth.
Should Required Chapel Credits Be Eliminated?
I believe that required chapel credits should be decreased to less than 15. If the required amount was less, it would decrease stress and therefore allow students to enjoy the videos more.
The students will be relaxed and enjoy the videos rather than rushing through them. With this new mindset of chapel, the students will actually get the information and spiritual connection that they are meant to. I personally think this enjoyment of chapel is more important than a number of credits.
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