Starting to feel sick? Well here are some tips!
Since it is finally cooling down and turning into cuddle season, no one wants to be getting sick right when the hottie from your math class is finally starting to notice you. “Ring by Spring” is a real thing and you don’t want the sniffles to ruin your chances, so if you’re starting to feel sick, here are some quick tips to try and kick it!
- Sleep
I know that between all of the events, late night Taco Bell runs, and early morning classes sleep is the last of your priorities, but if you get your 8 hours a night it will help build up your immune system and let your body regain its strength to fight the sickness.
- Vitamins
Whether its Emergency, Airborn, a multi-vitamin, or good ‘ol vitamin C, its important you load your body up when you start to feel sick. With taking extra vitamins and antioxidants, it will help keep you strong and healthy. Vitamins are used to maintain your bones, muscles, and blood vessels, they can also assist in the formation of collagen and helps your body absorb the minerals it needs. So even if you can’t stand the taste of the vitamins, just take it super fast and reap the benefits.
- Exercise
I know that getting the energy and motivation to exercise when you are in perfect health is hard enough, let alone when you are starting to feel sick it will help! You can go for a run around the track, or do some yoga in your dorm, whatever you do you will feel better afterwards.
- Disinfect
It is no secret that Vanguard is small, and the dorm rooms are exhibit A. Germs spread so easily so it is important to keep you and your room clean and disinfected. Buy some Lysol or Clorox wipes and clean your door knobs, desk, laptop, and most importantly your cell phone! With continual disinfecting and washing your hands or using hand sanitizer, you stand a better chance at not getting sick or fighting it faster.
Disclaimer, I am not a doctor so these are not golden truth, but through personal experience and my bff,WebMD, I’m pretty confident they will help.
Stay healthy my friends!
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