The month of October has brought about some of the most devastating wildfires documented in California state history. In addition to the thousands of civilians now displaced, many Vanguard students were significantly impacted by these horrible natural disasters. Junior Jordyn Molina's hometown has been affected by the fires roaring through Napa Valley. Although her family can consider themselves lucky, others were not so fortunate. Hundreds of … [Read more] about Students and faculty impacted by October fires

Scholarships make mission trip dreams come true
With the end of Vanguard's annual GEO Week comes the announcement of this year's mission trip scholarship winners. Sophomore Maddie Bertrand was among one of thirteen winners and was granted a $1000 scholarship. Bertrand originally entered this contest with … [Read more] about Scholarships make mission trip dreams come true

Lyceum Theatre Receives Long-Awaited Renovations
After 19 years, Vanguard University’s Lyceum Theater is finally getting a makeover. Renovations to the theater include adding a new backstage dressing room and replacing the trailer formerly behind the theater with a brand new multi-purpose room twice the … [Read more] about Lyceum Theatre Receives Long-Awaited Renovations