Coming into college, there are many things students are expected to know whether it is what classes they need to take, who they have to meet with for academic advising, or what the requirements are for post-graduation jobs. All of which can be confusing and stressful.
Yet, things may be looking up for students.
Vanguard’s newest Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Ryan Hartwig, has been hard at work creating a new academic structure for Vanguard University.

Photo credit: Vanguard University Marketing
He has spent months talking to Department Chairs, students, and other individuals to determine what improvements need to be made.
This structure is not only meant to clarify staff and faculty roles, but also to shape their responsibilities and better equip them to help students.
Currently, Vanguard has one academic college that will be transitioning into four:
I. The College of Arts and Sciences
II. The School of Education
III. The School of Theology and Ministry
IV. The School of Business and Management

Photo credit: Ryan Hartwig
Each college will be assigned a dean to serve as an academic and administrative officer. They have officially appointed the following: Dr. Jeff Hittenberger as the Dean of the School of Education, Dr. Renea Brathwaite as the Dean of the School of Theology and Ministry, Dr. Mike Wilson as the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and Dr. Diana Avans as the Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
The administration is also in the process of searching for a Dean of Student Success and Academic Services.
This transition also includes the centralization of academic advising. This means that most academic departments will advise through the same processes rather than advising on their own which will provide further clarity for students. In addition, when students face challenges or have questions, they will have a better understanding of who to go to for help.
In an interview, Provost Hartwig mentioned, “Vanguard is a great place and I’m so proud of the great work that our faculty and staff have done for students. My desire with these changes is to make it easier for us to excel even more in serving our students and advancing our university.”
The process of restructuring is ongoing and the new structure is to begin starting Fall 2023.
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