The Marvel Cinematic Universe is in one of the most unique spots of its decade and a half. With the release of one of its latest shows within the continuity of the larger universe, Moon Knight, the studio has made a new leap into once again new territory. In addition, Marvel has established a reputation of being a general audience-pleasing studio. As a result, Moon Knight could be the first warning flag on the field, within Marvel’s new phase of TV shows and movies.
With the series released and time now to properly digest it, it’s clear Marvel aimed to shake the expectations of audiences once again. The Director of the series, Mohamed Diab, has included several insights into the direction he pitched and then brought to life for the series. In an interview with Collider, Diab said this:
“I would’ve done it without action in it. I don’t care. I love that. I felt this is an extension of my movies. And if I put my formula, if I put something that is grounded, the way I’m imagining do the action, the darkness that I can bring, I can add something to the table.”
The show includes some of the expected action sequences from any Marvel property. While the darker elements of the show are sticking to the mental illness and trauma experienced by the show’s main character. It proved to be a darker exploration of mainstream Marvel. However, it has not yet proven to have a deeper meaning or connection for where this new character’s arc is headed in the overall MCU.
When discussing the larger impact that the show could have and Creative Director Kevin Feige’s role in it all, director Diab had this to say:
DIAB: “Well, a couple of things. First of all, I never expected that someone like Kevin (Feige) is going to be that hands on. What he’s doing is almost genius. I can’t wrap my head around it, someone who’s overseeing 20 projects in the same time. And if you ask him if about a word in drafts that we keep changing almost every week, he knows what changed. This is how he is. So being hands on, which is very helpful.
Because if you are working with them, you have to know that those guys have the most successful run in the history of this industry ever. So they have secret sauce. You have to know that you are here for a reason. You have secret sauce too. So the two of you together can bring something. But being hands-on was surprising, giving me a chance to play with something like this IP because I pushed the envelope.”
Kevin Feige has not let go of the creative reigns as far as the Disney+ expansion of the Marvel universe and is still very much present in each property’s production. Wherever Moon Knight is looking to land and present itself among the rest of MCU properties, it is meant to last and push the universe’s boundaries into new territory.
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