While blasting “Part of Me” by Katy Perry in my car after school last week, a tear rolled down my face as I burnt my tongue on my very hot Starbucks. While singing this song, I had realized that recently I did have someone take a part of me with them. It’s a funny thing, trying to grow up in today’s society. Many of us don’t even realize that the path that we are on is a constant conveyer belt. We go around and around in a circle until enough people take so many parts of us that we feel we don’t have anything to ride on anymore. And like running out of oil blot pads on a summer day, a broken relationship is kind of like that. You meet someone, and together have thousands of walls to break down mentally. Very few actually get through enough walls to mean something, but the ones that do, you never forget. I’m not talking about your summer flings, or the failed “back home” relationships that you attempt to make happen every winter break upon visiting your hometown. When you finally meet someone who is willing to jumps through hoops for you, and meets your family and your friends, we as humans usually are stuck in an ugly predicament. Do we tell them how we feel, and see where it goes while praying that it ends well… Or do we hold our emotions in until they tear us apart and we become an emotional hormonal wreck. Truthfully, I have no recommendations on that situation, as my last one failed miserably. The point being that we need to accept the walls we let down, as well as be ok with taking risks. We cannot dwell on our failed experiences, or honestly believe that we will all be lonely cat ladies. Looking towards the future, while able to use our past experiences to guide us is the key to life. I know it’s easy to dwell on the bad and feel sorry for ourselves, but its not worth it. Expect to give a part of yourself to every person you meet, and whether or not they return the favor, thank them for the experience and move on. You never know, the love of your life could be right in front of you!
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“All Sons & Daughters” playing at Vanguard
“All Sons & Daughters” playing at Vanguard
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Upside of Losing
Upside of Losing
Once again you have written an article that I want to read, you get that? Want to read. You write with such feeling and knowledge of the subject. I love it,