Sony has announced the release of the new PlayStation 4. Besides wanting the newest design and top-of-the-line technology aspects, we need the think, is it even worth it? As college students, it is best to look at every aspect and decide whether or not the upgrade is a necessity, especially when some of us are living off of top ramen and Jack In The Box Tacos.
This time around, game developers, as opposed to Japanese executives who designed previous systems, designed the PlayStation 4. The Lead architect for the PS4 was Mark Cerny of Cerny Games. He was inducted into the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences Hall of Fame in 2010.
Sony’s PlayStation has always competed with Microsoft’s Xbox. With the announcement of the new PlayStation, there is certainty that Microsoft will come out with a new Xbox to compete. Microsoft’s forwarding thought was to get it out before the announcement of the new Xbox.
“Almost nothing is known about the next Xbox yet, so it’s too early to call, but there will be plenty of information available by the time anyone is able to purchase or preorder a PS4,” stated college gamer Abe Robinson.
The new PlayStation is said to have updates such as a blue ray player, no more cell processor, and 8GB of RAM witch is the equivalent to a standard issue laptop.
There is also a new share button feature that allows the player to take screen shots of the game as well as record footage and post it to any site. Through this feature you can live-stream and have players with other PS4 controllers sync in and walk you through a part of the game that you are struggling with.
One of the biggest changes that people seem to be most eager about is the new controller known as the Dual Shock 4. The addition of a touch screen between the digital pad and face buttons features the generic start and select buttons.
One “pro” to purchasing the PS4 is that it will come with a headset as well as a headset jack on the controller as opposed to the system that bothered some players.
As for game exclusives, all 12 of Sony’s first party studios are working on titles that will come in time with the launch of the system. “These will be games you can only find on the PS4, similar to how the PS3 alone had God of War and Uncharted,” Robinson said.
Although if you are looking just for the most popular Call of Duty, or other third party games, they will still be developed as sold for the Xbox 360 and PS3 up to a year after the new console comes out.
The price has not been released as of today although it has been rumored to be available between $400 and $450.
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