Evidence for the Casey Anthony case was revealed a year and a half after Anthony was found not guilty of the death of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee. The Florida sheriff department that investigated Caylee Anthony’s disappearance overlooked obvious evidence of a Google search of “fool-proof suffocation” supporting the case against Casey Anthony.
On June 16, 2008, the same day Caylee was last seen alive, someone in the Anthony household made a Google search of “fool-proof suffocation.” This is evidence that clearly shows that, if not Casey Anthony, someone she knew murdered her daughter. Anthony’s attorney’s argument was that Anthony’s family killed Caylee.
After the recent evidence, it was said that Casey’s father, George Anthony, made the Internet search because he wanted to kill himself after his granddaughter drowned in the family pool. Blaming the family first and then later saying that Caylee drowned makes no sense and should not have been overlooked by investigators.
During the trial, prosecutors were unaware of this evidence even though the department had possession of the computer. The prosecutors instead received a spreadsheet from the sheriff’s office containing only 2 percent of the computer’s Internet activity the day of the Google search.
Even after this evidence was found, jurors argued that prosecutors were not able to prove exactly how Caylee died. Many jurors stayed out of the public’s eye in fear of its outrage.
Back in the original 2011 trial, three years after Caylee disappeared, prosecution brought up evidence that a website about chloroform was searched on the Anthony computer, and that the toxic chemical was found in Casey Anthony’s car.
It was also said that when Casey’s father went to pick up her car in a tow yard, he found her purse and Caylee’s car seat, and noticed a smell of decomposing matter. Caylee was later found with duct tape on her mouth and nose. Both of these pieces of information, along with the suffocation Internet search should’ve been an obvious sign that Caylee drowing was a lie.
There has been no reconsideration since the new evidence was brought to attention. I find this shocking, considering it is probably one of the most obvious pieces of evidence in the case and relates to the duct tape found on Caylee’s face.
There have been so many different arguments for Caylee’s death, including Casey’s parents killing her, Caylee drowning, the Internet search of chloroform, and now the search of suffocation. The case has become very complicated with countless arguments, but now that this new evidence was found, it should be easy to determine that Casey Anthony is guilty.
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