We see him everywhere: a friendly face, a helping hand, all around campus. But few know the ministry behind the smile, the “secret life” of “Segway Dave.” His name is David Saito, an ordained priest who has lived most his life in California and has been contributing to Vanguard security for five years. He is also committed to another ministry, a more intriguing, mysterious, and at times frightening, calling.
For five and a half years, Saito has been a spiritual warfare counselor. From Chino to Long Beach, he and a crew of three to six perform exorcisms, healings and prayer against paranormal activity. Paranormal activity includes the whole realm of irregular activity, from objects moving on their own, seeing shapes, movements, hearing voices and in general any demonic activity.
“I go where God sends me. I give God the praise and glory-all his strength and power, all we are trying to do is serve him by praying for and helping people,” Saito said.
The team works independently of any church or organization through word of mouth or by referral from the Orange County Ghost Hunters Association. Saito works as the team investigator, checking the records on properties as well as researching a client’s history in minute detail. He orients himself completely to each client in order to know what to pray for and fight against. The crew prays over the clients as well as the property, using scripture and the gifts of the Holy Spirit, even holy water and oil.
The ministry can leave physical evidence. On one occasion, Saito’s crew was in the attack praying over a spirit that was reported earlier. A team member notified him the spirit was in the corner. He directed his flashlight in that direction and saw a black mist. The next second something invisible was pulling on his legs. It flipped him backwards with such force he broke through the roof and was suspended only by the 2×4 supporting framework.
“It’s an intense warfare that can affect anyone. But it’s my calling, I just like to help people in whatever way I can, and it’s all through Christ,” Saito said. “Jesus cast out demons, as did his disciples. In third world countries demonic activity is seen all the time, but here we are not so familiar with it.”
When people contact him, they are desperate because things have gotten so bad.
Saito first felt called to the ministry as a child always having unique dreams. While attending college at OCC one day after church, he went to coffee with a friend. A young man playing his guitar in the corner exuded a dark, evil spirit. It drifted towards Saito and opened a previously unknown realm to him. From then on, he used his sensitivity to the spiritual realm as the calling to his ministry.
By no means an average calling, Saito recognizes the Holy Spirit has led him to it, even if only for a while, to serve better the name of Christ.
Smitty_Cabinetshop – You make a extremely good point.