The rumors are indeed true, a royal baby is on the way. Prince William and his wife of 19 months, Catherine, are expecting their first child. The pregnancy was first rumored in the month of September when Catherine substituted water for her wine during a state dinner toast in Singapore. The tabloids began buzzing two weeks ago when more evidence of the pregnancy became apparent. As a result of an amendment to British law, the baby, whether boy … [Read more] about A Royal Baby

Movember: Mustaches With a Purpose
As November has come to a close, it is only proper to acknowledge the most important part of this month. Some might consider it Thanksgiving, others, “No Shave November” or “Movember”. Many who participate in this special sub-hygienic event do so only because … [Read more] about Movember: Mustaches With a Purpose
Wigging Out
Junior Jessica Sanchez is doing something that many of us would be unable to commit to. Come January, she will be shaving her head and donating all of her hair to Wigs for Kids. This decision was not made easily. According to Sanchez, “It’s something I’ve … [Read more] about Wigging Out
Pepsi: The New Healthy?
Pepsi has recently distributed a new soda to the population of Japan. “Pepsi Special” is claimed to be a fat-blocker as it contains dextrin, a dietary fiber found in many fiber supplements. Pepsi researchers claim that Pepsi Special suppresses fat absorption … [Read more] about Pepsi: The New Healthy?

The Space Shuttle Endeavor: Its 26th Mission
The space shuttle Endeavor has completed its 26th journey, and some would claim its most difficult one at that. After a three-day journey across the country, the space shuttle Endeavor made its final landing in Los Angeles on Friday, September 21st. This … [Read more] about The Space Shuttle Endeavor: Its 26th Mission
Pages vs. the Screen
The 21st century has quickly brought us, the Western culture, to a technological utopia. When the newest bestseller breaks records and tops the charts, we don’t have to wait weeks for the nearest bookstore to restock, we can instantly download it to our … [Read more] about Pages vs. the Screen

SGA: Behind the Scenes
Student Government Association, SGA are terms we hear on a daily basis. Terms that, for some of us, go undefined. For any student who doesn’t know, SGA isn’t a collective of superhuman students, fighting as vigilantes for the betterment of Vanguard, or are … [Read more] about SGA: Behind the Scenes

When You Wish Upon a Star
Picture this: a planned vacation, flight information and ticket in hand, luggage in tow, camera dangling from your neck like any typical tourist, wishing your lucky stars for adventure, a brief farewell before taking off to… Space? Soon, this could be a … [Read more] about When You Wish Upon a Star

Summer Missions Make an Impact
Summer 2012 offered several opportunities for students to venture out into the world and deliver the message of Hope to people groups in foreign countries as well as in our own backyard. The Spiritual Formation department sent students on global outreach … [Read more] about Summer Missions Make an Impact