After a team from the Western Accreditation of Schools and Colleges visited campus on March 25, the university is positive about the initial feedback and is awaiting the draft report due this week. The WASC Commission’s yearlong probation is almost complete and the recent visit was the determinant of Vanguard’s accreditation, which is to be decided in June. In an all-school email last month, President Carol Taylor expressed her … [Read more] about Coming WASC Report Brings Optimism
Whole Nine Yards: Students Become Campus Ministers
Nine students have been selected as next year’s Student Campus Pastors, a new position in the Spiritual Formation Department with a more rabbinical role in leading chapel both onstage and behind the scenes. “Under the umbrella of student empowerment, we … [Read more] about Whole Nine Yards: Students Become Campus Ministers

Administration’s Openness Provides Accountability
President Carol Taylor was not required to host an Open Door Day as a way to hear people’s thoughts and concerns on whatever subject they fancied. But she did. On Monday, March 1, the president’s office saw representation from undergraduates, faculty, … [Read more] about Administration’s Openness Provides Accountability
Nonprofit Pairs with Reef to sell Ugandal
Feb. 23, 201031 Bits, a nonprofit organization made up of five alumni, has partnered with the shoe company Reef to produce a sandal that shows off their individually unique beads normally strung on necklaces and bracelets.The nonprofit started in 2008 when … [Read more] about Nonprofit Pairs with Reef to sell Ugandal
Meet Bud and Betty: Alumni Couple Dedicated to Bleachers and Teams
Betty was playing on the basketball team and working in the Registrar’s office when they met. It was not until the Junior Senior Banquet, ignoring their dates and talking only to each other, that Bud and Betty Hittenberger started their slow romance and … [Read more] about Meet Bud and Betty: Alumni Couple Dedicated to Bleachers and Teams
God Bless Us When They’re Done: “Inspecting” a Bit Much
To see a former staff member dressed as a third world baby, to laugh every ten seconds and to ruin any dramatic effect “A Christmas Carol” could ever have again, stop by the Lyceum this weekend before going home for the holidays. But be sure to bring your … [Read more] about God Bless Us When They’re Done: “Inspecting” a Bit Much
‘Jurors’ Provides Suspense by the Dozen
Raise your hand if you want to send a possibly innocent 16-year-old boy to the electric chair for murdering his abusive father. One man believes there is reasonable doubt even with convincing evidence and two eyewitnesses. Twelve people are angry, at each … [Read more] about ‘Jurors’ Provides Suspense by the Dozen
State Department Spurs Fight Against Human Trafficking
Ambassador Luis CdeBaca and Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D) urged audience members to raise their voices and demand action at a community forum against human trafficking Friday, Oct. 9, 2009. CdeBaca is the Director of the State Department’s Office to Monitor … [Read more] about State Department Spurs Fight Against Human Trafficking
‘Fantasticks’ Players Finer Than Play
Life would be much more entertaining with a narrating bandit, a dancing mute and metaphorical confetti gracefully falling onto a floor of Starry Night. But the message of Tom Jones’ The Fantasticks says, “Do not rely on frills and self-deceptions for a happy … [Read more] about ‘Fantasticks’ Players Finer Than Play