Rybarczyk: For years I’ve heard students talk about what they’ll do when they graduate and go to work and live in the “real world.” Their implied tone is that Vanguard is a cloistered Christian community cut off from normal human life. Some of that “I know better than that” perspective is informed by an aspiring post-adolescent “I want to go and be my own adult” attitude, but some of it looks disdainfully at VU’s standards about morality, … [Read more] about Bursting the Vanguard Bubble?

Chapel. Love it or Hate it?
Sophomore Tamara Philips and Professor Ed Rybarczyk discussSpiritual Formation's method of enforcing integrity. RYBARCZYK: Chapel. Some students ardently love it. Others hate having to go. Yet, everyone has an opinion about it! My experience is that most … [Read more] about Chapel. Love it or Hate it?
Uni vs. Multiversities
Welcome (back) to Vanguard University! The start of fall semester always buzzes with excitement! We’re delighted to see familiar faces and meet new friends. The atmosphere is electric with the thrill of new classes, new ideas, and the prospect of deepening our … [Read more] about Uni vs. Multiversities