1) Are zombies real? Zombies have basis in reality. Anthropologist Gino Del Guercio’s article, “The Secrets of Haiti’s Living Dead,” explains that zombies have their roots in voodoo practiced by Haitian peasants. Zombifying a person is a form of punishment. “In rural areas, secret vodoun societies, much like those found on the west coast of Africa, are as much or more in control of everyday life as the government,” Guercio said. “[Secret … [Read more] about 5 Zombie Questions Answered
College Classes Teach Zombie Survival
All the societal attention given to zombies has encouraged many people to learn survival skills. People desire to be prepared because the more prepared they are, they less likely they are to be afraid. One of the ways to prepare yourself for survival is to … [Read more] about College Classes Teach Zombie Survival
Before and Afters: What Divides Your Life?
You know something has changed when you can divide your life into befores and afters: “before she did this,” “after he told me that,” “before the storm.” Being a senior means people ask you about the “after.” People ask you to explain what happened at … [Read more] about Before and Afters: What Divides Your Life?
Seniors Then & Now
As graduation gets closer, seniors reflect on their time at Vanguard and discuss their post-graduate plans. English major Kyle Durham 1. How did your experience when you first began attending Vanguard compare to your experience as you leave? What were … [Read more] about Seniors Then & Now

Eat More Chicken: Chick-fil-a Grand Opening
While many people enjoy eating Chick-fil-a, 100 people per grand opening can enjoy eating a year’s worth of free Chick-fil-a. For those who attend Chick-fil-a grand openings and stay from 6 a.m. Wednesday mornings until 6 a.m. Thursday mornings, the first … [Read more] about Eat More Chicken: Chick-fil-a Grand Opening

Sense of Entitlement Lowers Students’ Chances for Success
“I want a golden goose, and I want it now,” said Veruca Salt from the 1971 movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Salt’s demanding character is portrayed negatively in this movie. Yet sadly, many young people carry a sense of entitlement with them … [Read more] about Sense of Entitlement Lowers Students’ Chances for Success

Relient K Rocks Biola
Because they pair catchy tunes with uniquely profound and usually witty lyrics, Relient K has been one of my favorite bands since I was 13. Even though I own almost all their albums, the March 31 performance in Biola University’s gymnasium was my first … [Read more] about Relient K Rocks Biola
Off-Campus Living Situations Require Thought and Research
If you’re living on campus, there might come a day when your desire to use a kitchen and have your own place is greater than your desire to stay in the dorms. Maybe you are moving somewhere because of your work, or maybe you are moving out on your own for no … [Read more] about Off-Campus Living Situations Require Thought and Research
VU Soul Takes Top Honor at VU’s Got Talent
On Thursday, Feb. 9, 2012, students gathered in NMC at 8 p.m. to witness the talents of their peers. Hosts junior Clinton Munoz and sophomore Helene Villareal introduced students whose talents included singing, dancing, and a “nunchuck” routine. Among the … [Read more] about VU Soul Takes Top Honor at VU’s Got Talent
Ensure Justice 2012 Conference to be Held at Vanguard
On March 2 and 3, the Global Center for Women in Justice will host the Ensure Justice 2012: Standing Together to End the Exploitation of Girls conference. A gala dinner will launch the conference on March 1. The conference will feature guest speakers from … [Read more] about Ensure Justice 2012 Conference to be Held at Vanguard
Vanguard Launches Mobile App
In early February, Vanguard launched the mobile app for its website in addition to updating its media. Director of Digital Media Holly Clinard believes this is an important upgrade for the school. "We’ve upgraded the overall look and design of our … [Read more] about Vanguard Launches Mobile App
Six Ways to Deal with Rising Gas Prices
1. Save gas. For many people, especially commuters, it can be difficult to cut down on driving time. Carpooling whenever possible and splitting the cost of gas for group trips can help. Figure out the common places you drive that are farthest away and try to … [Read more] about Six Ways to Deal with Rising Gas Prices
Chapel PDA Distracts from Worship
You’ve seen it. A couple sitting together. A girl snug in a boy’s arms or sitting beside him and gently massaging his neck. They kiss a few times or make out just long enough to be distracting. Whether you think it’s cute or tacky, it happens … [Read more] about Chapel PDA Distracts from Worship

Unpaid Internships: Experience or Exploitation?
Some people have direct deposit, some have the satisfaction of tearing the envelope on a physical check, and others get paid in cash under the table. But no matter if it comes bimonthly or weekly, payday is something to look forward to, especially if you’re … [Read more] about Unpaid Internships: Experience or Exploitation?
College Prolongs Adolescence
For some, preparation during college produces a seamless transition into post-graduate life. For others, college is like walking toward the horizon on a flat world—the last year ends as abruptly as dropping off the rim. Come senior year, students teeter on the … [Read more] about College Prolongs Adolescence