Getting sick or hurt is never ideal. It’s even more unfortunate when you’re stuck on campus, or hundreds of miles away from your parents who, let’s be honest, are probably the ones who really know how your insurance works.
It’s not all for naught however; some of these stories can, in time, become great anecdotes to tell your friends when they try and complain about getting a sore throat during flu season.
5: David Vespeller and the Treacherous Climb
Moving away from home into an entirely new environment is difficult. Being placed with a random stranger for the following four months can be equally challenging, especially in the cozy, intimate setting of Huntington Hall. For Vespeller, he was about to see this experience take him to new heights.
“It was my first year at Vanguard,” Vespeller explained. “I was a young nervous transfer on crutches. I went through the check-in process pretty smoothly and started moving my stuff into my room on 5th floor of Huntington Hall.”
However, the next few months would provide him with the opportunity to climb many obstacles.
“I finally move all of my stuff in and find my then roommate had already taken the bottom bunk–remember I was on crutches–anyway we introduce ourselves and I say ‘hey man do you mind if I take the bottom bunk?’ And he says ‘NO! I’m scared of falling off the top bunk’ … So I spend the next four months struggling while this guy is smoothing sailing.”
4: Amber Ross and Pukey Brains
If you know Amber Ross, senior SGA Director of Communication then you know she has the wildest stories. One day she woke up, massive headache and upset stomach, late for class. She rushed to class, making it just in time for attendance.
“I sit down my stomach starts making this gnarly noise so I B-line outside and puke everywhere.. I went back in pail as a ghost and the professor and I make perfect eye contact, the whole class turns around to look at me and I awkwardly get my stuff and leave.”
3: Dakota Self and Chorizo Gone Wrong
Chorizo is a hit or miss choice of food and for senior Dakota Self it was a huge miss.
“First day of junior year I decided to a chorizo burrito and my stomach started killing me and I ended up getting food poisoning and missed all of my classes because I was slumped over the toilet for 2 days.”
Good thing it was just syllabus week.
2: Damariz Guerrero and Falling In Flowers
Summer time may be one of those moments when heaven meets earth; the beach, friends, no contract, and no stress! But for Damariz, co-president of El Puente this past summer was definitely a bummer.
“My friend went to go get the car and I wanted to get shotgun. As my friend pulls the car up I make a straight sprint to the car and jumped over a bushel of flowers… as I’m landing everything feels slow motion and I hear this loud CRACK and I just fall crying.”
She ended up fracturing her ankle and needing to use a wheel chair for the next 3 months.
“I didn’t leave the house this summer and it sucked so much!”
1: Olivia Rosellini and Outlandish Diagnosis
Freshman year is a scary time for many and for Olivia Rossellini, seventh floor Laguna RA, it did not go as planned.
“My roommate and I got sick the second weekend of school, we had a cold. So I went to the nurse and she thought that I was pregnant… Then she said I definitely had cancer in my throat! And that I needed to go the ER.”
So next time you’re sick and can’t make it to class, just remember, it could be worse.
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