Many Vanguard University students are on the last steps of their academic journey.
Some students may be nervous about the next milestone that they want to accomplish whether that be going straight to their careers or furthering their education. There are many questions and decisions that arise as senior students continue to make it to the final mile of their marathon.
As a fellow senior, I am unsure of how I should proceed with my education, specifically with the plans i should be making right after graduation. For myself, the options range from pursuing higher education such as graduate school or instead going to South Korea for a year-long teaching program. These options differ and require considerable discussion before I can make the final decision. Although there are still a few months until graduation, I find it hard to make a quick decision even though graduate school application deadlines loom around the corner.

Photo Credit: Toa Heftiba, Unsplash
Fortunately, there are many resources that can aid senior students during this difficult decision-making time such as attending meetings on career path options or visiting the Career Center here at Vanguard to help receive guidance from professionals in every field. If you are looking to gain more hands-on experience in the field of your choice, there is also Handshake available for students to use and potentially work at internships or part-time jobs that can help focus their choices.
This is a tedious time and while you may think you are the only one worried, you are not. I interviewed current VU seniors and asked about their academic journeys and plans for the future.
English major Mikyla Bultsma desires to become a High School English teacher one day. She has chosen to continue on after graduation and pursue an MA and a teaching credential. Mikyla explained that “[She] want[s] to be able to positively affect students’ lives and be someone who could help students figure out who they are and what they want to be. [She] ha[s] had a lot of good teachers that did that for [her], and [she] want[s] to be able to do the same for [her] students.” She further expressed that she is excited to be graduating soon and wants to be able to cherish the time with the people that she has met while she can.

Photo Credit: Javier Allegue Barros, Unsplash
Liberal Studies major Siclaly Mendina is nervous about what will happen after graduation, but is excited to start her career. She also wants to continue her education to get her MA and teaching credentials. She says, “Something different I would recommend to others is to speak to your advisors and get as much information as possible. Also, apply to as many scholarships as you can and ask advisors about any opportunities they know regarding your degree. I’ve found that they provide great guidance and gave me new opportunities that helped me get to where I am now.”
When asked what he suggests that others do as they plan for their future, Biology major Jordin Land says, “I recommend that everyone keep God at the center of every life choice and experience.”
Most seniors look forward to their families gathering together as they celebrate a milestone in their career. The joy that one feels as they walk down the stage with their friends and receive their Bachelor’s degree is one that they will cherish for the rest of their lives.
To my fellow graduating class, I hope you have enjoyed your journey thus far and will continue becoming the person you strive to be. Let’s be resilient and finish our last year at Vanguard University strong. As one journey ends, another grand adventure awaits us.
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