Mock Rock. What does this mean?
At Vanguard University, Mock Rock is the most epic lip-sync dance battle between the different grade levels. This event occurs every year during the spring semester and is coordinated by the Program Board, a group of student interns in charge of planning school-wide events.
This year’s theme is “A Night at the Movies”. Each class has been assigned a movie genre that all of their music and dances will revolve around.
When asked about this year’s Mock Rock theme, Madison Cassell, a current sophomore and Program Board Intern, mentioned, “I think it’s great! Our team talked about a whole bunch of different ideas, and things we can incorporate, and decided this one would be the best. We are excited for it.”
The event will take place in the William Seymour Sanctuary on March 16, 2023, beginning at 9 p.m. Make sure to grab your friends and get there early to get the best seats in the house!
We take Mock Rock very seriously at Vanguard. For two months students rehearse twice a week for several hours. Each class has one-to-two choreographers who coordinate and teach the dances to their designated students. The dances are around ten minutes long and compiled of clips from different songs and movie scenes.
This year’s choreographers are:
Freshman Class: Raegan Moore
Sophomore Class: Jason Oliveira and Zoe Barba
Junior Class: Joseph Robinson and Gabi Paul
Senior Class: Hally Herder and Samuel Kizler
Zoe Barba, a current sophomore and Mock Rock choreographer explained, “Mock Rock this year, I am actually really excited for because of the sophomore class. It has been super fun. Everyone has been coming to the meetings and practices for it. It has been a really funny and joyous time.”

Mock Rock Winners 2022
Last year’s Mock Rock theme was the Early 2000s. The freshman class was Tender Loving Care (TLC), the sophomore class was Nickelodeon, the junior class was Disney, and the senior class was Music Television (MTV). The event was a hit and the junior class took home the win.
Let’s see if this year’s Mock Rock lives up to the previous year’s. Make sure to follow @vubridge on Instagram to see further updates on this event.
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