The Director of Campus Safety, Kenton Ferrin, is considering making the university a closed campus as part of the multi-year security plan.
A closed campus at Vanguard would not be completely closed-off. There would be fences with gates and areas to walk in with surveillance to keep the students safe, according to Ferrin. Visitors would still be welcome and students can come and go as they please.
“Part of perimeter control is gating certain zones; you’re never going to keep anyone out because you’ll always have driveways and things like that…but we are looking at ways to make it more difficult,” Ferrin said.
While Campus Safety is certain a closed campus would make Vanguard safer, students might have a different opinion. SGA recently conducted a survey on whether or not students wanted a closed campus and the response was negative, according to Ferrin.
“Overwhelmingly, students didn’t want a closed campus,” Ferrin said.
It is possible that students do not know what a closed campus is, Ferrin explained. He believes that if students were informed on what a closed campus would entail, the results may have been different.
Ferrin said the closed campus would deter dangerous people and create an extra layer of safety for the students.The closely surveyed gates and entrances would keep out any unwanted visitors and Campus Public Safety would be able to keep track of who is entering and leaving the campus.
The plan for a closed campus and all of the updates to safety and security at Vanguard should take about two years, according to Ferrin. The funds will come from parking funds and a fund being generated for the gating rather than students’ tuition.
I don’t recall a survey on this, I guess I am uninformed aha, but I think I’d definitely feel safer if the campus had those gates where you need a student/staff ID or they have a gate worker in at least one entrance– kind of like (I dare say) BIOLA…