Finals week is here upon us. The late nights, cramming, and stressing can be a thing of the past if you plan accordingly and breathe.
-Plan it Out. Figure out your finals schedule. Make a list of everything you need to accomplish and when they need to be completed by. Start with the item that’s due first and work your way down the list.
-Divide and Conquer. Divide your studying up into chunks. Review throughout the week so you are not cramming the night before. In doing this you will build confidence about the material you have been studying.
-Focus. Don’t spend extra energy learning things that are not relevant to the task at hand. Before you start studying, focus on the specific material that will be on your final. Ask yourself if the final is comprehensive; does it cover the information of the last test? Focus in on what you need to know.
-Know Your Study Habits. If you study better in a quiet environment, go to the library where it is distraction-free. If group sessions are your thing, find a study group and get work done. If you want to make a play list for finals week that will help you study, do it. Put on your ear-buds, turn up the volume, and get stuff done!
-Dark Chocolate. A study done by WebMD, found that eating a bar of dark chocolate reduces stress, and it’s yummy!
-Caffeinate. When it’s crunch time, coffee and energy drinks are a nice aid to get you through long periods of studying or writing papers.
-Hydrate! Drink lots of water. Your body is anywhere from 50%-75% water, so drink up. No one wants a headache while studying.
-Eat, Eat, Eat! Eating gives you a chance to relax and fuel your brain. Eating snacks between study sessions will help you cope in the long run while satisfying your tummy.
-Grades 2. An app that if you put the overall grade you want in the class it tells you exactly what you need in order to get it. That way you can focus your attention on the classes that may need a little more attention.
-Lighten the Load. Do not take on any commitments that you do not have to. I know you are a social creature, but for heaven’s sake, it’s finals week. Your friends will understand if you cannot hang out this week.
-Use the Freebies. Teachers often have their TA’s do study sessions. Get your butt over there and study. Ask questions.
-Beware of the Black Holes! Stay away from Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. These sites suck time and life out of you. Deactivate, Deactivate…
– Exercise. Go for a jog, or do some push-ups and crunches. Exercise relieves stress by producing happy endorphins which directly effect your mood. Taking time out of your schedule to exercise can really be a game changer when your brain is fried while trying to bust out a paper.
-Get some ZZZZ’s. Sleep is the most natural way to eliminate stress. Do not cram through the night for a test in the morning. Get some sleep, take time to relax and get your mind straight. If you don’t know it by now, it’s not happening.
Remember, we are all going through it, so you are not alone. Only one week is separating you from Summer. You can do it, and may the odds be ever in your favor!
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