Icebreakers are quite possibly the most uncomfortable thing about being in your 20’s. An icebreaker usually is forced to occur after an awkward borderline breakup. After an almost casual breakup, if you are receiving an icebreaker, the ending might have sounded something like this, “Im just not ready…”, or my personal favorite, “I just got a gym membership… I don’t have time for a relationship” from your partner. This can be emotional, and no one who is going to disrespect you is worth the tears. Regardless of the case, it is important to know when to let it go, even after the other is still texting you post breakup with the casual “Hey beautiful”. Immediate instinct is to respond, as butterflies fill your stomach. Sadly, you usually have that one friend who has to ruin your day, quickly reminding you that becoming a cat lady isn’t cute or sanitary.
When your four month dating relationship comes to an end, it is always a good way to enter a “new chapter” in your life. The whole “New Year, New Me” motto applies here. Changing your eyebrows or dropping 15 pounds is a great way to catch your ex’s attention, while making them miss you. After the new you enters the playing field again, you can expect a text from your ex within the hour. But remember, brushing off that text is half the fun. The proper hair flip is everything, and while you are sitting in your room watching reruns of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, now is a good time to practice this without straining your neck. This is especially important if you happen to run into said ex around town or school. Posture, hair flip, and big sunglasses help fake the perfect illusion while giving time to make a B-Line for the closest room.
Through experience, most dating relationships don’t go far because one party is still emotionally hooked on the last relationship. This is unfortunate, and basically informs us that 50% of who we attempt to date will surely break our hearts, and the other 50% are usually the ones we aren’t ready for anything. Yes, being alone is in your future. But don’t get scared at the idea of being independent. Being single is the best thing that could happen to you. Enjoy your youth, and try not to waste time on those less important. Stay tuned for my next piece entitled, “How to cure a broken heart: Kate Hudson edition”.
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I love your commentary! You have a very positive outlook on situations and have a way of turning a negative into something positive. I think you have a special nack for doing this. Kudos to you.