Suppose you enter the Caf one morning, grab your plate and head over to create an omelet. Amongst the list of items to stuff inside your fluffy eggs like tomato, cheese, and bacon are chia seeds. Chia seeds?
Before anybody panics, no, these are not the offspring of those chia pets you once had by your kitchen window, although they come from the same plant family. Recently, this seed has received a lot of attention in health circles and has been promoted by prominent individuals like Dr. Mehmet Oz of “The Dr. Oz Show.”
Before going out and buying this in bulk, it is important to investigate what exactly makes chia seeds amazing and if it is worth investing in.
Coming from Latin America, chia was once food for Aztec warriors who called it “the running food” due to the energy that it gave them.
Chia seeds are small grey seeds that look more like speckled sand than something edible. Despite their appearance, they are incredibly diverse in their function and contain 4 grams of fiber per tablespoon.
These tiny seeds are also perfect for anyone trying to lose weight. According to an article written this year by holistic health coach Polly Noble of the Huffington Post, when these seeds are immersed in any liquid, they form a gel-like substance that is not only zero calories but also increase the weight of the seed which helps you feel full longer.
For any of you who don’t like fish or just get tired of swallowing those oily pills after meals, chia seeds are packed with Omega 3’s.
Lindsey Duncan, a leading health expert, wrote in a 2011 article for Dr. Oz’s website that chia contains more Omega 3 than salmon, making it one of the most concentrated sources of this fatty acid. Since this fat is essential in protecting yourself from heart related diseases, chia seeds provide the perfect plant alternative for a healthy dose of this supplement.
Another benefit of the chia seed is its high water absorption capacity. Anybody who is an athlete knows how important it is to keep the body hydrated in order to perform at one’s best. Since it absorbs liquid quickly, it is helpful in keeping our bodies hydrated and happy throughout the day.
Because of its ability to help in hydration and gives our bodies the nutrients it needs, it is a useful tool for anybody wanting to live an active, healthy life.
The important thing to remember is that it is a tool, not an independent solution. The problem with the hype about the chia seed is that like so many other “super foods,” it can quickly become dull and overused if people start complaining that they see no change in themselves after mass consumption of it.
For this seed to be effective, it needs to be used in proper moderation.
Despite all of its health benefits, the chia seed is not a magical cure all food.Like everything else, it must be taken in proper moderation, combined with a nutritious diet and active lifestyle in order for it to reach its full potential.
Nice article, esp the last paragraph. I sell Chia for a living and wanted to just point out one small but significant error in your story: Chia seed does have calories–approx 40 per tablespoon.
In good health,
Joanne P.