Mitt Romney is a name that rouses a lot of images, suspicions, and hopes- depending on who you talk to. We already know who President Obama is, what his plans are, and what he’s capable of. So let’s find out what his opposition looks like.
In 2003, Romney became governor of Massachusetts. This was his first political office that wasn’t local legislation- and he was successful. He took a state with $1.5 billion of debt and brought it to a budget surplus without raising taxes. So when he says that there’s a way to help this nation’s economy without adding pressure on the middle class, he means it.
His running mate Paul Ryan would only add positively to the situation. Ryan, a Wisconsin Senator, worked fervently proposing new budget plans to Congress for years.
In 2011, Ryan pushed for his America’s Roadmap for the Future 2.0 that included universal health care that would eventually lower seniors’ health care costs, strengthen programs like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security as well as a plan to reduce federal debt and prevent any more from accruing.
Now, this is a humungous task to accomplish within today’s parameters, and Ryan knows that. That’s why he also suggested that the more restricting tax laws be changed to accommodate this plan that will bring about a more efficient and self-reliant economy.
In a desperate attempt to smear his name, First Lady Michelle Obama has sponsored many videos propagating fear for women’s rights under Romney’s presidency.
Though this seems comical at first glance, it is also rather sad. Anyone who has taken a course on United States Government knows that no president could overturn a constitutional amendment.
The truth of the matter is that he has no intention of doing such a thing. In fact, his respect for women is admirable. In 2008 his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer; not only did he help her in any way he could, he stayed faithful to her all the way.
He is often found praising her for her strength and he praises all women for the great burden we carry as daughters, mothers, and even as entrepreneurs- we too have the capability to aid in the economic upturn. Romney doesn’t say that in spite of our gender but because of our gender. Romney respects both men and women as American citizens that can make a difference.
So it isn’t fear-mongering that’s going to win the election for Romney and Ryan. It’s the cold hard facts that will win this one by a landslide.
Many voters look for a president who cares where this country is going; who cares about the people who make it get there with their paychecks and hard work.
And the facts dictate who that person is going to be. So the question to us as voters is this: do you want the guy who has a plan and the means to execute it? Or the one that is flying by the seat of his very expensive trousers?
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