Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2011 marked the beginning of the elections race for the 2012-2013 Student Government Association (SGA) class council. At 11:59 p.m., online voting ballots were opened to the student body in order to determine who would represent the body in the coming school year.
Voting began a series of Class Council speeches from the candidates running for Class President, VP, and Activities, which were held 8:00 p.m. in various locations on campus.
The Executive Board Speeches for the SGA President, VP of Legislation and Finance, and VP of Administration and Activities, were held at 9:00 p.m. in Needham Chapel.
By now, students should have received an email to their VU email address with an online ballot and instructions on how to vote. The ballots will remain open until Feb. 24 at 5:00 p.m.
There are twelve elected positions for the Executive Board, Student Council, and the Activities Board combined. In addition, there are four hired Positions for the Student Council, five hired Positions for the Activities Board and three hired positions for Intramural Interns. For hired positions, applicants must interview with the newly Elected Executive Board beginning March 5. There are currently 15 running for the 12 elected positions and 17 people running for the eight hired on positions.
“We had 51 students at the info meeting, which is far more than any we’ve had since the four years I’ve been on SGA. It is my hope that more students will desire to become involved in student government on campus,” SGA President David Vazquez said.
Some students think they need previous experience, but Vazquez believes that’s not the case.
“If you are the type of students that is able to effectively identify student issues and have ideas to resolve them, then you are what the school needs. Also, if you like planning events or have some neat ideas on what you’d like to see on campus, you are also a great fit. All you need is some basic skills and the heart to get the work done,” Vazquez said.
Vazquez is confident in the candidates who are running and applying and in the future of SGA.
“I believe the future of SGA is sound, and it my hope that I have left something behind better than I found it. I’d love to see next year’s team continue to put students first, and move forward in making the student voice on campus louder and better heard,” Vazquez said.
As the 2010-2011 school year comes to a close, many of the senior SGA representatives are graduating. Be sure to participate and cast your vote to elect the new Student Government Association representatives for the 2012-2013 school year.
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